Enjoying Beautiful Spring Blooms in Cleveland
Cherry blossoms are a sure sign that spring is here. The most famous locations for viewing them are probably Washington DC and Japan. Fortunately, if you’re in Northeast Ohio you don’t have to make a trip that far. You can easily see some beautiful cherry blossoms as well as other beautiful spring blooms in Cleveland. There are several great locations to take in spring’s beauty. The location that we chose was one that we were familiar with. It is near the Cleveland Museum of Art at Wade Lagoon.

This is a great spot even without the cherry blossoms. With these trees in bloom, it was the perfect spot to spend an afternoon and the weather was perfect.

There are trees on either side of the pond, so there’s plenty to enjoy. It was easy to get some great shots with the brilliant sun on display at the perfect time of day.

I really enjoyed getting pictures up close and peeking through the trees full of blossoms up through to the clear blue sky.

It was a bit tricky for many of the up-close pics because the wind just would not stop. With the weather so nice, though, it was hard to complain.

Not only were the trees beautiful near and around the pond, but as we made our way up the path towards the Art Museum, we noticed on either side of the Museum there were several trees including magnolias in full bloom that were just amazing from afar. Of course, they were even more outstanding up close.

Photographer Stuff

The wind was only a problem in so much that I had to continuously pause to get the shots that I wanted. It seemed that the trees and branches were constantly moving, but that wasn’t too much of an issue. The bigger issue was when attempting to take the video, the loud noises of the wind ruined the video. Of course, it would help to learn how to edit out that sound, but that will happen in due time. Besides, I forgot to take horizontal video and only got vertical shots.
The lighting was great, it was a bright sunny day with few clouds and we made it at a good time just around 5:30 pm, and stayed for over an hour. In some of my last shots, you can see the sun was starting to set and wasn’t too high in the sky. Especially when I was close to the art museum the light and shadows along the pathway were amazing.
For the time I was there I kept my settings between f/6.3 and 7, 1/400 to 1/800 and the ISO stayed at 100 for every shot.
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